They Took The Piss Out Of My Diet At Work!

  • Update: 27/09/2017
politics at work 2
So I was telling somebody a story earlier
about when I used to work on building sites 
back in the day. 
I remember one day I took a small tub of 
cottage cheese in to eat for my 10am tea break.
Anyway it was apparently hilarious for everyone there to
see me try and take care of myself with decent food.
"what's that your eating boy?"
"cottage cheese"
"cheese doesn't grow in cottages" (ha ha) 
I'm still trying to figure out why a room full 
of builders thought that was the funniest joke 
they'd ever heard. 
Obviously had TOP "banter" this guy! Anyway
I digress...
The point is,
Man those builders gave me a hard time 
for trying to eat well!!
It gives me total empathy for how my clients 
must feel when they tell me they get stick at
work for not joining in on 'cake' or 'chip' day!
Its not 'cool' or 'fitting in' to eat healthy is it?
Specially if you work with people that care
not about their body. 
So here's a few ways to get over these morons
sabotaging your dedication!
1. you cannot base your life on what other people
think, say or do. Let other people PRETEND they
are happy with their lack of health and 'fitness'
2. ask everyone politely NOT to go on about it
its a choice you've made and you would HUGELY
appreciate it if they respected that! 
3. Join a supportive, commended group to stay motivated 
and be able to go back to simply for support. My recommendation is 
of course my fitness camp in Ely (but you gotta do what suits you)
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Ely's ONLY guaranteed results personal training service. 